Dr Nicole Higgins
Nicole is a practice principal at Health on Central in Mackay and a GP at the Southside Medical Centre, Queensland. She is a board member of the GPSA, and of the Queensland faculty of the RACGP. She is a medical educator with the Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS), a GP supervisor with Tropical Medical Training (TMA). She graduated from Monash University in Medicine in 1996 after growing up in country Victoria. Of settling in Mackay Nicole told the local newspaper, “I am an accidental tourist who never left. I have been a GP in Mackay since 2003 when I came to do a six week stint as a locum in Andergrove . ”
” My passion is teaching the next generation of GP’s. ..I would like to think of myself as an ol’ fashioned GP who practices traditional ‘cradle to the grave’ medicine. A family doctor.”