Why GPDU the Conference – GPDU18?
- Since its inception GPDU members have expressed a natural desire to meet in person.
- Such a meeting will follow highly successful gatherings organised by other medical social media groups such as SMACC (Social Media and Critical Care) and Don’t Forget the Bubbles (a social media paediatrician collective).
- SMACC, started in Australia, which also had its inaugural conference on the Gold Coast in 2014, is now a global conference phenomenon, attracting over 3,000 delegates from around the world.

GPDU18 organiser
GPDU18 is fully owned by GPDU, which is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. We are being helped in the organisation of the conference by the crew from The Medical Republic.
They are doing most of the logistics including delegate and sponsorship management, marketing, venue logistics and so on. The GPDU admins are wholly in charge of the program, speakers and content.
It is important to note that under the constitution of GPDU, neither the organiser nor GPDU can be influenced in any way in the determination of any content or learning presented at the conference by a sponsor. All sponsorships are on the basis of total independence of the content and sessions presented.
If you are interested in sponsoring you can contact Jeremy Knibbs- jeremy@medicalrepublic.com.au , 0405 128867.
If you want to contribute in some way to the program contact Dr Karen Price- karen.price@monash.edu.au