Group and Site Code of Conduct
This group is for all GPs working in Australia and NZ. We hope to provide a forum where we can respectfully network, chat and provide a supportive learning environment where we can share experiences, or difficulties. Please feel free to discuss any interesting cases, share your clinical conundrums, or other events
Under the constitution of GPDU, neither the organiser nor GPDU can be influenced in any way in the determination of any content or learning presented at the conference by a sponsor. All sponsorships are on the basis of total independence of the content and sessions presented.
That members enter GPDU with the understanding that they are personally responsible for their comments and the administration team are not held liable for salacious or defamatory comments. Best endeavours of the admin will ensure deletion and moderation of inappropriate content.
We encourage all members to keep our National Park clean and encourage group moderation by all who use the park.
Our Constitution – CLICK HERE
Admin Team on behalf of all GPs.
Please DM us for any queries on admin or moderation and we encourage you to moderate and administer as much of the discussions as possible.

Taking screen shots or discussing and naming particular peoples comments without their permission is grounds for consideration of removal from the forum. CONSENT for this is required as a matter of RESPECTFUL professional courtesy.
This is not a forum for legal or financial advice. Members are advised to note this carefully.
NOT INTENDED FOR MEDICAL ADVICE – treatment decisions are the responsibility of the treating practitioner.
Patient Photos: it is imperative that you have a signed consent form from the patient saying they are happy for you to discuss their picture online with other GPs. We recommend you retain this in your practice medical file. Delete immediately any images from your mobile phone.
Case studies should be de-identified.
AHPRA Social media Forums such as this are subject to AHPRA legislation. It is important you comply with that legislation.
ADF personnel: Do not post with a notification of their location in accordance with ADF regulations.
MANDATORY REPORTING laws apply in each state of Australia and GPs need to be familiar with their responsibilities in this regard.
If you are a Doctor needing help please
- see your GP or
- AMA ANONYMOUS PEER SUPPORT line 1300 853 338. Note you do not need to be a member to access this line.
- RACGP GP support Tel 1800 331 626 Email:
- a.). Victorian Doctors Health Program Tel (03) 9495 6011 Email:
or in SA
- Lifeline 13 11 14